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$RCSfile: ARP.mod $
Description: Interface to arp.library
Created by: fjc (Frank Copeland)
$Revision: 2.5 $
$Author: fjc $
$Date: 1994/08/08 16:01:38 $
Copyright © 1994, Frank Copeland.
This file is part of the Oberon-A Library.
See Oberon-A.doc for conditions of use and distribution.
** $C- CaseChk $I- IndexChk $L+ LongAdr $N- NilChk
** $P- PortableCode $R- RangeChk $S- StackChk $T- TypeChk
** $V- OvflChk $Z- ZeroVars
* *
* 5/3/89 ARPbase.h by MKSoft from ARPbase.i by SDB *
* *
* *
* AmigaDOS Resource Project -- Library Include File *
* for Lattice C 5.x or Manx C 5.x *
* *
* *
* Copyright (c) 1987/1988/1989 by Scott Ballantyne *
* *
* The arp.library, and related code and files may be freely used *
* by supporters of ARP. Modules in the arp.library may not be *
* extracted for use in independent code, but you are welcome to *
* provide the arp.library with your work and call on it freely. *
* *
* You are equally welcome to add new functions, improve the ones *
* within, or suggest additions. *
* *
* BCPL programs are not welcome to call on the arp.library. *
* The welcome mat is out to all others. *
* *
* *
* N O T E ! You MUST! have IoErr() defined as LONG to use LastTracker *
* If your compiler has other defines for this, you may wish *
* to remove the prototype for IoErr() from this file. *
* *
* First we need to include the Amiga Standard Include files... *
IMPORT E := Exec, D := Dos, I := Intuition, SYS := SYSTEM;
(* All pointers are declared first for convenience *)
ArpBasePtr * = CPOINTER TO ArpBase;
EnvBasePtr * = CPOINTER TO EnvBase;
FileRequesterPtr * = CPOINTER TO FileRequester;
AnchorPathPtr * = CPOINTER TO AnchorPath;
AChainPtr * = CPOINTER TO AChain;
DirectoryEntryPtr * = CPOINTER TO DirectoryEntry;
TrackedResourcePtr * = CPOINTER TO TrackedResource;
TrackerPtr * = CPOINTER TO Tracker;
DefaultTrackerPtr * = CPOINTER TO DefaultTracker;
GenericTrackerPtr * = CPOINTER TO GenericTracker;
WindowTrackerPtr * = CPOINTER TO WindowTracker;
ResListPtr * = CPOINTER TO ResList;
ZombieMsgPtr * = CPOINTER TO ZombieMsg;
ProcessControlBlockPtr * = CPOINTER TO ProcessControlBlock;
NewShellPtr * = CPOINTER TO NewShell;
ResidentProgramNodePtr * = CPOINTER TO ResidentProgramNode;
ResidentProgramTagPtr * = CPOINTER TO ResidentProgramTag;
ProcessMemoryPtr * = CPOINTER TO ProcessMemory;
DateTimePtr * = CPOINTER TO DateTime;
* Standard definitions for arp library information *
name * = "arp.library"; (* Name of library... *)
version * = 39; (* Current version... *)
* The current ARP library node... *
ArpBase * = RECORD (E.Library)
(*libNode * : E.Library; (* Standard library node *)*)
dosRootNode * : D.RootNodePtr; (* Copy of dlRoot *)
abFlags * : E.BSET; (* See bitdefs below *)
escChar * : CHAR; (* Character to be used for escaping *)
arpReserved1 * : LONGINT; (* ArpLib's use only!! *)
envBase * : E.LibraryPtr; (* Dummy library for MANX compatibility*)
dosBase * : E.LibraryPtr; (* Cached DosBase *)
gfxBase * : E.LibraryPtr; (* Cached GfxBase *)
intuiBase * : E.LibraryPtr; (* Cached IntuitionBase *)
resLists * : E.MinList; (* Resource trackers *)
residentPrgList * : ResidentProgramNodePtr; (* Resident Programs. *)
resPrgProtection * : E.SignalSemaphore; (* protection for above *)
segList * : D.BPTR; (* Pointer to loaded libcode (a BPTR). *)
END; (* ArpBase *)
* The following is here *ONLY* for information and for *
* compatibility with MANX. DO NOT use in new code! *
EnvBase * = RECORD (E.Library)
(*libNode * : E.Library; (* Standard library node for linkage *)*)
envSpace * : E.APTR; (* Access only when Forbidden! *)
envSize * : E.ULONG; (* Total allocated mem for EnvSpace *)
arpBase * : ArpBasePtr; (* Added in V32 for Resource Tracking *)
END; (* EnvBase *)
* These are used in release 33.4 but not by the library code. *
* Instead, individual programs check for these flags. *
wildWorld * = 0; (* Mixed BCPL/Normal wildcards. *)
wildBCPL * = 1; (* Pure BCPL wildcards. *)
* The alert object is what you use if you really must return an alert *
* to the user. You would normally OR this with another alert number *
* from the alerts.h file. Generally, should be NON deadend alerts. *
* *
* For example, if you can't open ArpLibrary: *
* Alert( (AgOpenLib|AoArpLib), 0L); *
aoArpLib * = 00008036H; (* Alert object *)
* Alerts that arp.library may return... *
anArpLib * = 03600000H; (* Alert number *)
anArpNoMem * = 03610000H; (* No more memory *)
anArpInputMem * = 03610002H; (* No memory for input buffer *)
anArpNoMakeEnv * = 83610003H; (* No memory to make EnvLib *)
anArpNoDOS * = 83630001H; (* Can't open dos.library *)
anArpNoGfx * = 83630002H; (* Can't open graphics.library *)
anArpNoIntuit * = 83630003H; (* Can't open intuition *)
anBadPackBlues * = 83640000H; (* Bad packet returned to SendPacket() *)
anZombie * = 83600003H; (* Zombie roaming around system *)
anArpScattered * = 83600002H; (* Scatter loading not allowed for arp *)
* Return codes you can get from calling ARP Assign()... *
assignOK * = 0; (* Everything is cool and groovey *)
assignNODEV * = 1; (* "Physical" is not valid for assignment *)
assignFATAL * = 2; (* Something really icky happened *)
assignCANCEL * = 3; (* Tried to cancel something but it won't cancel *)
* Size of buffer you need if you are going to call ReadLine() *
maxInputBuf * = 256;
* The ARP file requester data structure... *
FileRequester * = RECORD
hail * : E.STRPTR; (* Hailing text *)
file * : E.STRPTR; (* Filename array (FCHARS + 1) *)
dir * : E.STRPTR; (* Directory array (DSIZE + 1) *)
window * : I.WindowPtr; (* Window requesting or NULL *)
funcFlags * : E.BSET; (* Set bitdef's below *)
flags2 * : E.BSET; (* New flags... *)
function * : E.PROC; (* Your function, see bitdef's *)
leftEdge * : INTEGER; (* To be used later... *)
topEdge * : INTEGER;
END; (* FileRequester *)
* The following are the defines for frFuncFlags. These bits tell *
* FileRequest() what your frUserFunc is expecting, and what *
* FileRequest() should call it for. *
* *
* You are called like so: *
* frFunction(Mask, Object) *
* E.ULONG Mask; *
* E.APTR *Object; *
* *
* The Mask is a copy of the flag value that caused FileRequest() to *
* call your function. You can use this to determine what action you *
* need to perform, and exactly what Object is, so you know what to do *
* and what to return. *
frDoWildFunc * = 7; (* Call me with a FIB and a name, ZERO return accepts. *)
frDoMsgFunc * = 6; (* You get all IDCMP messages not for FileRequest() *)
frDoColor * = 5; (* Set this bit for that new and different look *)
frNewIDCMP * = 4; (* Force a new IDCMP (only if frWindow != NULL) *)
frNewWindFunc * = 3; (* You get to modify the newwindow structure. *)
frAddGadFunc * = 2; (* You get to add gadgets. *)
frGEventFunc * = 1; (* Function to call if one of your gadgets is selected. *)
frListFunc * = 0; (* Not implemented yet. *)
* The FR2 bits are for frFlags2 in the file requester structure *
fr2LongPath * = 0; (* Specify the frDir buffer is 256 bytes long *)
* The sizes of the different buffers... *
fChars * = 32; (* Filename size *)
dSize * = 33; (* Directory name size if not FR2LongPath *)
longDSize * = 254; (* If FR2LongPath is set, use longDSIZE *)
longFSize * = 126; (* For compatibility with ARPbase.i *)
frFirstGadget * = 7680H; (* User gadgetID's must be less than this value *)
* Structure expected by FindFirst()/FindNext() *
* *
* You need to allocate this structure and initialize it as follows: *
* *
* Set apBreakBits to the signal bits (CDEF) that you want to take a *
* break on, or NULL, if you don't want to convenience the user. *
* *
* if you want to have the FULL PATH NAME of the files you found, *
* allocate a buffer at the END of this structure, and put the size of *
* it into apStrLen. If you don't want the full path name, make sure *
* you set apStrLen to zero. In this case, the name of the file, and *
* stats are available in the apInfo, as per usual. *
* *
* Then call FindFirst() and then afterwards, FindNext() with this *
* structure. You should check the return value each time (see below) *
* and take the appropriate action, ultimately calling *
* FreeAnchorChain() when there are no more files and you are done. *
* You can tell when you are done by checking for the normal AmigaDOS *
* return code errorNoMoreENTRIES. *
* *
* You will also have to check the DirEntryType variable in the apInfo *
* structure to determine what exactly you have received. *
AnchorPath * = RECORD
base * : AChainPtr; (* Pointer to first anchor *)
last * : AChainPtr; (* Pointer to last anchor *)
breakBits * : SET; (* Bits to break on *)
foundBreak * : SET; (* Bits we broke on. Also returns errorBREAK*)
flags * : E.BSET; (* New use for the extra word... *)
reserved * : SYS.BYTE; (* To fill it out... *)
strLen * : INTEGER; (* This is what used to be apLength *)
info * : D.FileInfoBlock;
(*buf * : ARRAY OF SYS.BYTE; (* Allocate a buffer here, if desired *)*)
END; (* AnchorPath *)
* Bit definitions for the new apFlags... *
apDoWild * = 0; (* User option ALL *)
apItsWild * = 1; (* Set by FindFirst, used by FindNext *)
apDoDir * = 2; (* Bit is SET if a DIR node should be entered *)
(* Application can RESET this bit to AVOID *)
(* entering a dir. *)
apDidDir * = 3; (* Bit is set for an "expired" dir node *)
apNoMemErr * = 4; (* Set if there was not enough memory *)
apDoDot * = 5; (* If set, '.' (DOT) will convert to CurrentDir *)
* Structure used by the pattern matching functions, no need to obtain, *
* diddle or allocate this yourself. *
* *
* Note: If you did, you will now break as it has changed... *
child : AChainPtr;
parent : AChainPtr;
lock : D.FileLockPtr;
info : D.FileInfoBlockPtr;
flags : E.BSET;
(*string : ARRAY OF CHAR; (* Just as is .i file *)*)
END; (* AChain *) (* ??? Don't use this! *)
ddPatternBit * = 0;
ddExaminedBit * = 1;
ddCompleted * = 2;
ddAllBit * = 3;
* Constants used by wildcard routines *
* *
* These are the pre-parsed tokens referred to by pattern match. It *
* is not necessary for you to do anything about these, FindFirst() *
* FindNext() handle all these for you. *
pAny * = 80X; (* Token for '*' | '#?' *)
pSingle * = 81X; (* Token for '?' *)
* No need to muck with these as they may change... *
pOrStart * = 82X; (* Token for '(' *)
pOrNext * = 83X; (* Token for '|' *)
pOrEnd * = 84X; (* Token for ')' *)
pNot * = 85X; (* Token for '~' *)
pNotClass * = 87X; (* Token for '^' *)
pClass * = 88X; (* Token for '[]' *)
pRepBeg * = 89X; (* Token for '[' *)
pRepEnd * = 8AX; (* Token for ']' *)
* Structure used by AddDANode(), AddDADevs(), FreeDAList(). *
* *
* This structure is used to create lists of names, which normally *
* are devices, assigns, volumes, files, or directories. *
DirectoryEntry * = RECORD
next * : DirectoryEntryPtr; (* Next in list *)
type * : SHORTINT; (* dlxmumble *)
flags * : E.BSET; (* For future expansion, DO NOT USE! *)
(*name * : ARRAY OF CHAR; (* The name of the thing found *)*)
END; (* DirectoryEntry *)
* Defines you use to get a list of the devices you want to look at. *
* For example, to get a list of all directories and volumes, do: *
* *
* AddDADevs( mydalist, (DlfDIRS | dlfVOLUMES) ) *
* *
* After this, you can examine the detype field of the elements added *
* to your list (if any) to discover specifics about the objects added. *
* *
* Note that if you want only devices which are also disks, you must *
dlDevices * = 0; (* Return devices *)
dlDiskOnly * = 1; (* Modifier for above: Return disk devices only *)
dlVolumes * = 2; (* Return volumes only *)
dlDirs * = 3; (* Return assigned devices only *)
* Legal deType values, check for these after a call to AddDADevs(), *
* or use on your own as the ID values in AddDANode(). *
dlxFile * = 0; (* AddDADevs() can't determine this *)
dlxDir * = 8; (* AddDADevs() can't determine this *)
dlxDevice * = 16; (* It's a resident device *)
dlxVolume * = 24; (* Device is a volume *)
dlxUnmounted * = 32; (* Device is not resident *)
dlxAssign * = 40; (* Device is a logical assignment *)
* Resource Tracking stuff... *
* *
* There are a few things in arp.library that are only directly *
* acessable from assembler. The glue routines provided by us for *
* all 'C' compilers use the following conventions to make these *
* available to C programs. The glue for other language's should use *
* as similar a mechanism as possible, so that no matter what language *
* or compiler we speak, when talk about arp, we will know what the *
* other guy is saying. *
* *
* Here are the cases: *
* *
* Tracker calls... *
* These calls return the Tracker pointer as a secondary *
* result in the register A1. For C, there is no clean *
* way to return more than one result so the tracker *
* pointer is returned in IoErr(). For ease of use, *
* there is a define that typecasts IoErr() to the correct *
* pointer type. This is called LastTracker and should *
* be source compatible with the earlier method of storing *
* the secondary result. *
* *
* GetTracker() - *
* Syntax is a bit different for C than the assembly call *
* The C syntax is GetTracker(ID). The binding routines *
* will store the ID into the tracker on return. Also, *
* in an effort to remain consistant, the tracker will *
* also be stored in LastTracker. *
* *
* In cases where you have allocated a tracker before you have obtained *
* a resource (usually the most efficient method), and the resource has *
* not been obtained, you will need to clear the tracker id. The macro *
* clearID() has been provided for that purpose. It expects a pointer *
* to a DefaultTracker sort of struct. *
#define CLEAR_ID(t) ((SHORT * ) t)[-1]* =NULL
* You MUST prototype IoErr() to prevent the possible error in defining *
* IoErr() and thus causing LastTracker to give you trash... *
* *
* N O T E ! You MUST! have IoErr() defined as LONG to use LastTracker *
* If your compiler has other defines for this, you may wish *
* to remove the prototype for IoErr(). *
#define LastTracker ((struct DefaultTracker * )IoErr())
* The rlFirstItem list (ResList) is a list of TrackedResource (below) *
* It is very important that nothing in this list depend on the task *
* existing at resource freeing time (i.e., RemTask(0L) type stuff, *
* DeletePort() and the rest). *
* *
* The tracking functions return a struct Tracker *Tracker to you, this *
* is a pointer to whatever follows the trID variable. *
* The default case is reflected below, and you get it if you call *
* GetTracker() ( see DefaultTracker below). *
* *
* NOTE: The two user variables mentioned in an earlier version don't *
* exist, and never did. Sorry about that (SDB). *
* *
* However, you can still use ArpAlloc() to allocate your own tracking *
* nodes and they can be any size or shape you like, as long as the *
* base structure is preserved. They will be freed automagically just *
* like the default trackers. *
TrackedResource * = RECORD (E.MinNode)
(*node * : E.MinNode; (* Double linked pointer *)*)
flags : E.BSET; (* Don't touch *)
lock : SHORTINT; (* Don't touch, for Get/FreeAccess() *)
id * : INTEGER; (* Item's ID *)
* The struct DefaultTracker *Tracker portion of the structure. *
* The stuff below this point can conceivably vary, depending *
* on user needs, etc. This reflects the default. *
object * : E.APTR;
extra * : E.APTR;
END; (* TrackedResource *)
* You get a pointer to a struct of the following type when you call *
* GetTracker(). You can change this, and use ArpAlloc() instead of *
* GetTracker() to do tracking. Of course, you have to take a wee bit *
* more responsibility if you do, as well as if you use trakGeneric *
* stuff. *
* *
* trakGeneric folks need to set up a task function to be called when *
* an item is freed. Some care is required to set this up properly. *
* *
* Some special cases are indicated by the unions below, for *
* trakWindow, if you have more than one window opened, and don't *
* want the IDCMP closed particularly, you need to set a ptr to the *
* other window in dtWindow2. See CloseWindowSafely() for more info. *
* If only one window, set this to NULL. *
Tracker = RECORD END;
DefaultTracker * = RECORD (Tracker)
object * : E.APTR;
extra * : E.APTR;
END; (* DefaultTracker *)
GenericTracker = RECORD (Tracker) (* The object being tracked *)
dtResource * : E.APTR; (* Whatever *)
tgVerify * : LONGINT; (* For use during trakGeneric *)
END; (* GenericTracker *)
WindowTracker = RECORD (Tracker)
tgFunction * : E.PROC; (* Function to call for trakGeneric *)
dtWindow2 * : I.WindowPtr; (* For trakWindow *)
END; (* WindowTracker *)
* Items the tracker knows what to do about *
trakAaMem * = 0; (* Default (ArpAlloc) element *)
trakLock * = 1; (* File lock *)
trakTrFile * = 2; (* Opened file *)
trakWindow * = 3; (* Window -- see docs *)
trakScreen * = 4; (* Screen *)
trakLibrary * = 5; (* Opened library *)
trakDaMem * = 6; (* Pointer to DosAllocMem block *)
trakMemNode * = 7; (* AllocEntry() node *)
trakSegList * = 8; (* Program segment *)
trakResList * = 9; (* ARP (nested) ResList *)
trakMem * = 10; (* Memory ptr/length *)
trakGeneric * = 11; (* Generic Element, your choice *)
trakDaList * = 12; (* DAlist ( aka file request ) *)
trakAnchor * = 13; (* Anchor chain (pattern matching) *)
trakFReq * = 14; (* FileRequest struct *)
trakFont * = 15; (* GfxBase CloseFont() *)
trakMax * = 15; (* Poof, anything higher is tossed *)
trUnlink * = 7; (* Free node bit *)
trReloc * = 6; (* This may be relocated (not used yet) *)
trMoved * = 5; (* Item moved *)
* Note: ResList MUST be a DosAllocMem'ed list!, this is done for *
* you when you call CreateTaskResList(), typically, you won't need *
* to access/allocate this structure. *
ResList * = RECORD (E.MinNode)
(*node * : E.MinNode; (* Used by arplib to link reslists *)*)
taskID * : E.TaskPtr; (* Owner of this list *)
firstItem * : E.MinList; (* List of Tracked Resources *)
link * : ResListPtr; (* SyncRun's use - hide list here *)
END; (* ResList *)
* Returns from CompareLock() *
lckEqual * = 0; (* The two locks refer to the same object *)
lckVolume * = 1; (* Locks are on the same volume *)
lckDifVol1 * = 2; (* Locks are on different volumes *)
lckDifVol2 * = 3; (* Locks are on different volumes *)
* ASyncRun() stuff... *
* Message sent back on your request by an exiting process. *
* You request this by putting the address of your message in *
* pcbLastGasp, and initializing the ReplyPort variable of your *
* ZombieMsg to the port you wish the message posted to. *
ZombieMsg * = RECORD (E.Message)
(*execMessage * : E.Message;*)
taskNum * : E.ULONG; (* Task ID *)
returnCode * : LONGINT; (* Process's return code *)
result2 * : E.ULONG; (* System return code *)
exitTime * : D.Date; (* Date stamp at time of exit *)
userInfo * : E.ULONG; (* For whatever you wish *)
END; (* ZombieMsg *)
* Structure required by ASyncRun() -- see docs for more info. *
ProcessControlBlock * = RECORD
stackSize * : E.ULONG; (* Stacksize for new process *)
pri * : SHORTINT; (* Priority of new task *)
control * : E.BSET; (* Control bits, see defines below *)
trapCode * : E.APTR; (* Optional Trap Code *)
input * : D.BPTR;
output * : D.BPTR; (* Optional stdin, stdout *)
console * : LONGINT;
(* console is a union of:
splatFile * : D.BPTR; (* File to use for Open("*") *)
conName * : E.STRPTR; (* CON: filename *)
loadedCode * : E.APTR; (* If not null, will not load/unload code *)
lastGasp * : ZombieMsgPtr; (* ReplyMsg() to be filled in by exit *)
wbProcess * : E.MsgPortPtr; (* Valid only when prNOCLI *)
END; (* ProcessControlBlock *)
* Formerly needed to pass NULLCMD to a child. No longer needed. *
* It is being kept here for compatibility only... *
NoCmd * = "\n";
* The following control bits determine what ASyncRun() does on *
* Abnormal Exits and on background process termination. *
prSaveIO * = 0; (* Don't free/check file handles on exit *)
prCloseSplat * = 1; (* Close Splat file, must request explicitly *)
prNoCLI * = 2; (* Don't create a CLI process *)
(*prInteractive * = 3; This is now obsolete... *)
prCode * = 4; (* Dangerous yet enticing *)
prStdIO * = 5; (* Do the stdio thing, splat * = CON:Filename *)
* Error returns from SyncRun() and ASyncRun() *
prNoFile * = -1; (* Could not LoadSeg() the file *)
prNoMem * = -2; (* No memory for something *)
(*prNoCLI = -3; This is now obsolete *)
prNoSlot * = -4; (* No room in TaskArray *)
prNoInput * = -5; (* Could not open input file *)
prNoOutput * = -6; (* Could not get output file *)
(*prNoLock = -7; This is now obsolete *)
(*prArgErr = -8; This is now obsolete *)
(*prNoBCPL = -9; This is now obsolete *)
(*prBadLib = -10; This is now obsolete *)
prNoStdIO * = -11; (* Couldn't get stdio handles *)
* Added V35 of arp.library *
prWantsMessage * = -12; (* Child wants you to report IoErr() to user *)
(* for SyncRun() only... *)
prNoShellProc * = -13; (* Can't create a shell/cli process *)
prNoExec * = -14; (* 'E' bit is clear *)
prScript * = -15; (* S and E are set, IoErr() contains directory *)
* Version 35 ASyncRun() allows you to create an independent *
* interactive or background Shell/CLI. You need this variant of the *
* pcb structure to do it, and you also have new values for nshControl, *
* see below. *
* *
* Syntax for Interactive shell is: *
* *
* rc=ASyncRun("Optional Window Name","Optional From File",&NewShell); *
* *
* Syntax for a background shell is: *
* *
* rc=ASyncRun("Command line",0L,&NewShell); *
* *
* Same syntax for an Execute style call, but you have to be on drugs *
* if you want to do that. *
NewShell * = RECORD
stackSize * : E.ULONG; (* stacksize shell will use for children *)
pri * : SHORTINT; (* ignored by interactive shells *)
control * : E.BSET; (* bits/values: see above *)
logMsg * : E.APTR; (* Optional login message, if null, use default *)
input * : D.BPTR; (* ignored by interactive shells, but *)
output * : D.BPTR; (* used by background and execute options. *)
reserved * : ARRAY 5 OF LONGINT;
END; (* NewShell *)
* Bit Values for nshControl, you should use them as shown below, or *
* just use the actual values indicated. *
prCli * = 0; (* Do a CLI, not a shell *)
prBackGround * = 1; (* Background shell *)
prExecute * = 2; (* Do as EXECUTE... *)
prInteractive * = 3; (* Run an interactive shell *)
prFb * = 7; (* Alt function bit... *)
* Common values for shControl which allow you to do usefull *
* and somewhat "standard" things... *
interactiveShell * = { prFb, prInteractive }; (* Gimme a newshell! *)
interactiveCLI * = { prFb, prInteractive, prCli }; (* Gimme that ol newcli! *)
backgroundShell * = { prFb, prBackGround }; (* gimme a background shell *)
executeMe * = { prFb, prBackGround, prExecute }; (* aptly named, doncha think? *)
* Additional IoErr() returns added by ARP... *
errorBufferOverflow * = 303; (* User or internal buffer overflow *)
errorBreak * = 304; (* A break character was received *)
errorNotExecutable * = 305; (* A file has E bit cleared *)
errorNotCLI * = 400; (* Program/function neeeds to be cli *)
* Resident Program Support *
* This is the kind of node allocated for you when you AddResidentPrg() *
* a code segment. They are stored as a single linked list with the *
* root in ArpBase. If you absolutely *must* wander through this list *
* instead of using the supplied functions, then you must first obtain *
* the semaphore which protects this list, and then release it *
* afterwards. Do not use Forbid() and Permit() to gain exclusive *
* access! Note that the supplied functions handle this locking *
* protocol for you. *
ResidentProgramNode * = RECORD
next * : ResidentProgramNodePtr; (* next or NULL *)
usage * : LONGINT; (* Number of current users *)
accessCnt * : E.UWORD; (* Total times used... *)
checkSum * : E.ULONG; (* Checksum of code *)
segment * : D.BPTR; (* Actual segment *)
flags * : E.WSET; (* See definitions below... *)
(*name * : ARRAY OF CHAR; (* Allocated as needed *)*)
END; (* ResidentProgramNode *)
* Bit definitions for rpnFlags.... *
rpnNoCheck * = 0; (* Set in rpnFlags for no checksumming... *)
rpnCache * = 1; (* Private usage in v1.3... *)
* If your program starts with this structure, ASyncRun() and SyncRun() *
* will override a users stack request with the value in rptStackSize. *
* Furthermore, if you are actually attached to the resident list, a *
* memory block of size rptDataSize will be allocated for you, and *
* a pointer to this data passed to you in register A4. You may use *
* this block to clone the data segment of programs, thus resulting in *
* one copy of text, but multiple copies of data/bss for each process *
* invocation. If you are resident, your program will start at *
* rptInstruction, otherwise, it will be launched from the initial *
* branch. *
ResidentProgramTag * = RECORD
nextSeg * : D.BPTR; (* Provided by DOS at LoadSeg time *)
* The initial branch destination and rptInstruction do not have to be *
* the same. This allows different actions to be taken if you are *
* diskloaded or resident. DataSize memory will be allocated only if *
* you are resident, but StackSize will override all user stack *
* requests. *
bra * : E.UWORD; (* Short branch to executable *)
magic * : E.UWORD; (* Resident majik value *)
stackSize * : E.ULONG; (* min stack for this process *)
dataSize * : E.ULONG; (* Data size to allocate if resident *)
(* instruction; Start here if resident *)
END; (* ResidentProgramTag *)
* The form of the ARP allocated node in your tasks memlist when *
* launched as a resident program. Note that the data portion of the *
* node will only exist if you have specified a nonzero value for *
* rptDataSize. Note also that this structure is READ ONLY, modify *
* values in this at your own risk. The stack stuff is for tracking, *
* if you need actual addresses or stack size, check the normal places *
* for it in your process/task struct. *
ProcessMemory * = RECORD (E.Node)
(*node * : E.Node;*)
num * : E.UWORD; (* This is 1 if no data, two if data *)
stack * : E.APTR;
stackSize * : E.ULONG;
data * : E.APTR; (* Only here if pmNum == 2 *)
dataSize * : E.ULONG;
END; (* ProcessMemory *)
* To find the above on your memlist, search for the following name. *
* We guarantee this will be the only arp.library allocated node on *
* your memlist with this name. *
* i.e. FindName(task->tcbMemEntry, pmemNAME); *
pMemName * = "ARP_MEM";
residentMagic * = 4AFCH; (* same as rtcMATCHWORD (trapf) *)
* Date String/Data structures *
DateTime * = RECORD
stamp * : D.Date; (* DOS Datestamp *)
format * : E.UBYTE; (* controls appearance ot datStrDate *)
flags * : E.BSET; (* See BITDEF's below *)
strDay * : E.STRPTR; (* day of the week string *)
strDate * : E.STRPTR; (* date string *)
strTime * : E.STRPTR; (* time string *)
END; (* DateTime *)
* Size of buffer you need for each DateTime strings: *
lenDatString * = 10;
* For datFlags *
dtSubst * = 0; (* Substitute "Today" "Tomorrow" where appropriate *)
dtFuture * = 1; (* Day of the week is in future *)
* For datFormat *
formatDos * = 0; (* dd-mmm-yy AmigaDOS's own, unique style *)
formatInt * = 1; (* yy-mm-dd International format *)
formatUSA * = 2; (* mm-dd-yy The good'ol'USA. *)
formatCDN * = 3; (* dd-mm-yy Our brothers and sisters to the north *)
formatMAX * = formatCDN; (* Larger than this? Defaults to AmigaDOS *)
(* --- Library Base variable -------------------------------------------- *)
base * : ArpBasePtr;
(* --- Library Functions ------------------------------------------------ *)
ArgArrayPtr = POINTER TO ArgArray;
* These duplicate the calls in dos.library *
* Only include if you can use arp.library without dos.library *
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) Open*
( name [1] : ARRAY OF CHAR;
accessMode [2] : LONGINT)
: D.FileHandlePtr;
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) Close*
( file [1] : D.FileHandlePtr );
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) Read*
( file [1] : D.FileHandlePtr;
VAR buffer [2] : ARRAY OF SYS.BYTE;
length [3] : LONGINT)
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) Write*
( file [1] : D.FileHandlePtr;
buffer [2] : ARRAY OF SYS.BYTE;
length [3] : LONGINT)
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) Input* ()
: D.FileHandlePtr;
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) Output* ()
: D.FileHandlePtr;
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) Seek*
( file [1] : D.FileHandlePtr;
position [2] : LONGINT;
offset [3] : LONGINT)
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) DeleteFile*
( name [1] : ARRAY OF CHAR )
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) Rename*
( oldName [1] : ARRAY OF CHAR;
newName [2] : ARRAY OF CHAR )
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) Lock*
( name [1] : ARRAY OF CHAR;
type [2] : LONGINT)
: D.FileLockPtr;
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) UnLock*
( lock [1] : D.FileLockPtr );
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) DupLock*
( lock [1] : D.FileLockPtr )
: D.FileLockPtr;
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) Examine*
( lock [1] : D.FileLockPtr;
fileInfoBlock [2] : D.FileInfoBlockPtr )
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) ExNext*
( lock [1] : D.FileLockPtr;
fileInfoBlock [2] : D.FileInfoBlockPtr )
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) Info*
( lock [1] : D.FileLockPtr;
parameterBlock [2] : D.InfoDataPtr )
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) CreateDir*
( name [1] : ARRAY OF CHAR )
: D.FileLockPtr;
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) CurrentDir*
( lock [1] : D.FileLockPtr )
: D.FileLockPtr;
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) IoErr* ()
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) CreateProc*
( name [1] : ARRAY OF CHAR;
pri [2] : LONGINT;
segList [3] : D.BPTR;
stackSize [4] : LONGINT)
: E.MsgPortPtr;
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) Exit*
( returnCode [1] : LONGINT);
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) LoadSeg*
( name [1] : ARRAY OF CHAR )
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) UnLoadSeg*
( seglist [1] : D.BPTR );
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) DeviceProc*
( name [1] : ARRAY OF CHAR )
: E.MsgPortPtr;
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) SetComment*
( name [1] : ARRAY OF CHAR;
comment [2] : ARRAY OF CHAR )
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) SetProtection*
( name [1] : ARRAY OF CHAR;
protect [2] : SET)
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) DateStamp*
( VAR date [1] : D.Date );
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) Delay*
( timeout [1] : E.ULONG);
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) WaitForChar*
( file [1] : D.FileHandlePtr;
timeout [2] : LONGINT)
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) ParentDir*
( lock [1] : D.FileLockPtr )
: D.FileLockPtr;
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) IsInteractive*
( file [1] : D.FileHandlePtr )
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) Execute*
( string [1] : ARRAY OF CHAR;
file [2] : D.FileHandlePtr;
file2 [3] : D.FileHandlePtr )
* Now for the stuff that only exists in arp.library... *
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) Printf *
( string [} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
args [] : ARRAY OF LONGINT )
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) FPrintf *
( file [] : D.FileHandlePtr;
string [] : ARRAY OF CHAR;
args [] : ARRAY OF LONGINT )
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) Puts *
( string [9] : ARRAY OF CHAR )
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) ReadLine *
( VAR string [8] : ARRAY OF CHAR )
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) GADS *
( line [8] : ARRAY OF CHAR;
len [0] : LONGINT;
help [9] : E.STRPTR;
temp [11] : ARRAY OF CHAR )
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) Atol *
( string [8] : ARRAY OF CHAR )
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) EscapeString *
( string [8] : ARRAY OF CHAR )
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) CheckAbort *
( func [9] : E.PROC )
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) CheckBreak *
( mask [1] : SET;
func [9] : E.PROC )
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) Getenv *
( string [8] : ARRAY OF CHAR;
VAR buffer [9] : ARRAY OF CHAR;
size [0] : LONGINT )
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) Setenv *
( varName [8] : ARRAY OF CHAR;
value [9] : ARRAY OF CHAR )
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) FileRequest *
( VAR fileRequester [8] : FileRequester )
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) CloseWindowSafely *
( window [8] : I.WindowPtr;
moreWindows [9] : I.WindowPtr );
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) CreatePort *
( name [8] : ARRAY OF CHAR;
pri [0] : LONGINT )
: E.MsgPortPtr;
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) DeletePort *
( port [9] : E.MsgPortPtr );
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) SendPacket *
( action [0] : LONGINT;
args [8] : ArgArrayPtr;
handler [9] : E.MsgPortPtr )
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) InitStdPacket *
( action [0] : LONGINT;
args [8] : ArgArrayPtr;
packet [9] : D.DosPacketPtr;
replyPort [10] : E.MsgPortPtr );
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) PathName *
( lock [0] : D.FileLockPtr;
VAR buffer [8] : ARRAY OF CHAR;
componentCount [1] : LONGINT )
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) Assign *
( logical [8] : ARRAY OF CHAR;
physical [9] : ARRAY OF CHAR )
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) DosAllocMem *
( size [0] : LONGINT )
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) DosFreeMem *
( block [9] : E.APTR );
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) BtoCStr *
( VAR cstr [8] : ARRAY OF CHAR;
bstr [0] : D.BSTR;
maxLength [1] : LONGINT )
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) CtoBStr *
( cstr [8] : ARRAY OF CHAR;
VAR bstr [0] : D.BSTR;
maxLength [1] : LONGINT )
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) GetDevInfo *
( devNode [10] : D.DeviceListPtr )
: D.DeviceListPtr;
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) FreeTaskResList * ()
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) ArpExit *
( rc [0] : LONGINT;
fault [2] : LONGINT );
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) ArpAlloc *
( size [] : LONGINT )
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) ArpAllocMem *
( size [] : LONGINT;
requirements [] : SET )
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) ArpOpen *
( name [] : ARRAY OF CHAR;
mode [] : LONGINT )
: D.FileHandlePtr;
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) ArpDupLock *
( lock [] : D.FileLockPtr )
: D.FileLockPtr;
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) ArpLock *
( name [] : ARRAY OF CHAR;
mode [] : LONGINT )
: D.FileLockPtr;
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) RListAlloc *
( VAR resList [] : ResList;
size [] : LONGINT )
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) FindCLI *
( cliNum [0] : LONGINT )
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) QSort *
( data [8] : E.APTR;
rSize [0] : LONGINT;
bSize [1] : LONGINT;
comp [9] : E.PROC )
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) PatternMatch *
( pattern [8] : ARRAY OF CHAR;
string [9] : ARRAY OF CHAR )
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) FindFirst *
( pattern [0] : ARRAY OF CHAR;
VAR path [8] : AnchorPath )
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) FindNext *
( VAR path [8] : AnchorPath )
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) FreeAnchorChain *
( VAR path [8] : AnchorPath );
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) CompareLock *
( lock1 [0] : D.FileLockPtr;
lock2 [1] : D.FileLockPtr )
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) FindTaskResList * ()
: ResListPtr;
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) CreateTaskResList * ()
: ResListPtr;
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) FreeResList *
( freeList [9] : ResListPtr );
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) FreeTrackedItem *
( item [9] : TrackerPtr );
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) GetTracker *
( size [] : LONGINT )
: TrackerPtr;
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) GetAccess *
( tracker [9] : TrackerPtr )
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) FreeAccess *
( tracker [9] : TrackerPtr );
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) FreeDAList *
( VAR node [9] : DirectoryEntry );
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) AddDANode *
( data [8] : ARRAY OF CHAR;
VAR daList [9] : DirectoryEntry;
length [0] : LONGINT;
id [1] : LONGINT )
: DirectoryEntryPtr;
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) AddDADevs *
( VAR daList [8] : DirectoryEntry;
select [0] : SET )
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) Strcmp *
( s1 [8] : ARRAY OF CHAR;
s2 [9] : ARRAY OF CHAR )
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) Strncmp *
( s1 [8] : ARRAY OF CHAR;
s2 [9] : ARRAY OF CHAR;
length [0] : LONGINT )
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) Toupper *
( char [] : LONGINT )
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) SyncRun *
( name [8] : ARRAY OF CHAR;
command [9] : E.STRPTR;
input [0] : D.FileHandlePtr;
output [1] : D.FileHandlePtr )
* Added V32 of arp.library *
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) ASyncRun *
( name [8] : ARRAY OF CHAR;
command [9] : E.STRPTR;
VAR pcb [10] : ProcessControlBlock )
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) SpawnShell *
( name [8] : ARRAY OF CHAR;
command [9] : E.STRPTR;
VAR shell [10] : NewShell )
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) LoadPrg *
( name [1] : ARRAY OF CHAR )
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) PreParse *
( source [8] : ARRAY OF CHAR;
VAR dest [9] : ARRAY OF CHAR )
* Added V33 of arp.library *
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) StamptoStr *
( VAR dateTime [8] : DateTime )
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) StrtoStamp *
( VAR dateTime [8] : DateTime )
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) ObtainResidentPrg *
( name [8] : ARRAY OF CHAR )
: ResidentProgramNodePtr;
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) AddResidentPrg *
( segment [1] : D.BPTR;
name [8] : ARRAY OF CHAR )
: ResidentProgramNodePtr;
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) RemResidentPrg *
( name [8] : ARRAY OF CHAR )
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) UnLoadPrg *
( segment [1] : D.BPTR );
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) LMult *
( a [0] : LONGINT;
b [1] : LONGINT )
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) LDiv *
( a [0] : LONGINT;
b [1] : LONGINT )
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) LMod *
( a [0] : LONGINT;
b [1] : LONGINT )
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) CheckSumPrg *
( VAR node [0] : ResidentProgramNode )
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) TackOn *
( VAR pathname [8] : ARRAY OF CHAR;
filename [9] : ARRAY OF CHAR );
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) BaseName *
( name [8] : ARRAY OF CHAR )
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) ReleaseResidentPrg *
( segment [1] : D.BPTR )
: ResidentProgramNodePtr;
* Added V36 of arp.library *
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) SPrintf *
( VAR buffer [] : ARRAY OF CHAR;
string [] : ARRAY OF CHAR;
stream [] : ARRAY OF LONGINT )
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) GetKeywordIndex *
( key [] : ARRAY OF CHAR;
template [] : ARRAY OF CHAR )
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) ArpOpenLibrary *
( name [] : ARRAY OF CHAR;
version [] : LONGINT )
: E.LibraryPtr;
LIBCALL (base : ArpBasePtr) ArpAllocFreq * ()
: FileRequesterPtr;
(* --- C Macros defined as procedures ----------------------------------- *)
(* $L+ Absolute long addressing for globals *)
(* --- Library Base variable -------------------------------------------- *)
(* $L- Address globals through A4 *)
PROCEDURE* CloseLib ();
BEGIN (* CloseLib *)
IF base # NIL THEN E.base.CloseLibrary (base) END
END CloseLib;
PROCEDURE OpenLib * (mustOpen : BOOLEAN);
BEGIN (* OpenLib *)
IF base = NIL THEN
base :=
( ArpBasePtr,
E.base.OpenLibrary (name, version) );
ELSIF mustOpen THEN HALT (100)
END OpenLib;
base := NIL